
By simple faith I have been healed by God!

A doomsday scenario "You have cancer," became the painful reality for me. The ground under my feet seemed to have been swept away. But instead of despair and fear, I chose faith and trust. God can also heal you!
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My journey to complete healing!

My story

Who is simple faith

Simple faith is a teaching ministry started in 2020. After a lifelong struggle with fear and all sorts of physical conditions, Jolien received healing from God in 2019. Now, she is teaching the truth of the gospel together with a great team, with emphasis on His unconditional love for us. We have to get rid of our traditions and simply believe in what Jesus already provided for us.

We are doing our best to fulfill this call by teaching online, in churches, events, and giving our books away for free.
Would you like to read Jolien's story? Download the ebook here!
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Our focal points:
Simply believing that Jesus accomplished everything: God has given us everything we need. He gave us authority, His Word and the perfect sacrifice of His Son. We cannot earn it, but Jesus did it for us 2000 years ago.

Simply believing that the Bible is truth: God cannot lie. Everything is put together with laws of nature. These natural laws God has spoken and do not change. Same with the Word. His words therein are laws of nature. He has made His will known and now it is up to us to discover His grace and trust it.

Simply believing that God is good: God has put all the punishment you deserve on Jesus. Jesus was blamed for your sins and paid a heavy price for them. He did this especially for you so that when you would accept His gift you would receive reconciliation with God. In Isaiah 54:9, God promised that HE would never be angry with you again. Because of Jesus' sacrifice, God can look at you without your sins and faults. Because the root of evil has been pulled out, we are free to receive from our Father.
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Don’t doubt

the bible


v/s bad

In 2019, I was healed of cancer and my life changed 360 degrees for the better. In this book I describe my path to God and healing and give you five keys that will help you too. We hand out this book for free at speaking events and can be ordered via the contact form or via bol.com.
For many people it is difficult to read the Bible or doubt its reliability. Coming out soon is my second book, "Don’t doubt the bible" where I work with co-writer Thomas Fiege to show that the Bible is a miracle in its own right.
My book on this subject will be published in 2024.
Simpel geloof boek
Vliegend boek - Simpel Geloof

Feb 22, 2024 - Disciple evening

Location: community center de Biechten Rosmalen
Time: 7:45 p.m.
Speaker: Jolien van Roosmalen
Subject: receiving healing yourself

Feb 23, 2024 - Healing service

Location: River kerk Houten
Time: 7 p.m.

Mar 6, 2024 - Powertraining healing.

Location: community center de Biechten Rosmalen
Time: yet to be announced

7 Mar 2024 - Disciple night

Location: community center de Biechten Rosmalen
Time: 7:45 p.m.
Speaker: Jolande Bijl
Subject: dreams

17 Mar 2024 - River church

Location: Wijk bij duurstede
Time: 10:00 a.m.



Build with us

to the Kingdom of God

At Simple Faith, it is our desire that as many people as possible will be able to read and/or hear the good news of the Gospel. And this includes healing. That is also why we distribute our teachings for free. Do you believe in the work of Simple Faith, and would you like to help us spread our message? If the answer is yes, please consider becoming a financial partner or making a one-off donation.

Simple Faith Foundation has ANBI status.

You can also transfer your donations/teens via bank to: NL37INGB0007382509 (Bic:INGBNL2A) in the name of Simple Faith Foundation.

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